Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Add Some Summer Fun to Your Reading!

As the school year comes to an end I struggle more and more to keep kids on task... it seems that these last days I have to convince them to work every day, and that we are not done yet!  We are reading Brandon Brown quiere un perro  with one group, and Piratas del Caribe y el mapa secreto with another. 
One of the activities I have students do after a class story, or after reading, is to draw sketches on paper and then retell.  This time, I got some chalk and took them outside to do the same, but on the sidewalk!  This winter was a very long one so students (and also teachers!) are ready to get out and enjoy the nice weather.  Students were very motivated and we all had a lot of fun.  It is also really nice to see other people passing by after school, trying to figure out what our Spanish students did!

 "Brandon está en la cama y el perrito está en el closet."
"Brandon encuentra la pipï y el popó en su dormitorio."
"Antonio tira la pistola en el piso porque no funciona.  Antonio es muy frustrado."

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